Free alongside ship船边交货
Free alongside ship缩写为“FAS”。汉文含义为“船边交货(指定装运港)”。使用该术语,卖方发达在装运港将货品遗弃船埠或驳船上聚拢船边,即完成交货。其英文释义如下:
Free Alongside Ship (FAS) means that the goods are considered to be delivered when the seller's ship arrives alongside the buyer's ship or destination port. The buyer bears the shipping expense. Responsible for loss or damage to the cargo shifts to the buyer when it arrives.
free carrier简称“FCA”。货交承运东说念主,外洋贸易术语。
《1990年外洋贸易术语默契注解通则》(INCOTERMS 1990)默契注解为货交承运东说念主系指卖方办理货品出口结关手续,将货品交至指定的方位由买方指定的承运东说念主照料,即实施其交货义务。要是买方未指定准确的方位,则卖方可在步调的方位或地段内将货品置于承运东说念主照料之下的方位。左证买卖老例,在卖方被要求协助与承运东说念主签订合同(如铁路或航空运载)时,则由买方承担风险和用度,卖方不错办理。本术语可适用于任何运载格局,包括多式联运。
Free carrier is a trade term dictating that a seller of goods is responsible for the delivery of those goods to a destination specified by the buyer. When used in trade, the word "free" means the seller has an obligation to deliver goods to a named place for transfer to a carrier. The destination is typically an airport, shipping terminal, warehouse, or other location where the carrier operates. It might even be the seller's business location.
“承运东说念主”系指在运载合同中,通过铁路、公路、海上、航空、内河运载或这些格局的调处运载,承担实施运载或承担办理运载业务的任何东说念主。要是买方带领卖方将货品托付给某一个东说念主,举例一个非承运东说念主的货运代理东说念主,当货品在该东说念主照料之下,卖方被合计实施了他的交货义务。“运载站”系指铁路站、货运站、集装箱站或船埠、多用途货站或相通的受货点。“集装箱”包括用来组合货品的任何修复,如: 多样类型的集装箱和托盘,不管是否为外洋尺度化组织所承认或未承认的,拖车、可诊治车身、滚装修复、航空货柜,并适用于多样运载格局。
Free carrier - FCA: Applies to goods delivered into the custody of the carrier at the named point.
Unless otherwise agreed, prices are understood as being FCA (free carrier) in accordance with INCOTERMS 2000 to the dispatch address indicated in the order.
转载自:红蓝律 作家:旗渡多语信息中心(出海信息奇迹)